Today I met Jose who works a hot dog stand at Oz Park. Never before have I approached a stranger and asked if I can photograph them until today. I was passing the stand on my way home from the lakefront and I saw this man on his hands and knees chalking up some form of art on the ground next to his stand.
I approached Jose and asked what it was he was drawing. He told me he was drawing emoji's because he thought they were trending and I agreed. I was glad that Jose was willing to talk to me even though we didn't know each other. I figured I'd ask another question. "Is this your stand?" He said it wasn't his but that he'd been working there for many summers now.
I found it fascinating that he took the time to draw emoji's on the sidewalk. "Every week I draw something new on the sidewalk," he said. That struck me. On top of working this hot dog stand he draws (quite well I must say).
I didn't have much time to chat with Jose unfortunately, since there was people in line waiting to order. After our small conversation I asked Jose if I could take his picture, which he kindly obliged to. Jose never stopped smiling.
I left Jose and have thought about our small conversation since. Why does he draw on the sidewalk? Why is he working there? Where is he from? Luckily Jose said that he'd be working the stand as long as weather permits. Hopefully I can hear his story in the near future.