I’ve just gotten home from Spencer. The film follows Princess Diana and her trials and tribulations at the royal families Christmas celebrations in 1991. It’s a fictionalized script, however a compelling broadcast of Diana’s turmoil and, eventual agency to leave the royal family.
Kristen Stewart plays Diana, which at this point in time had been in the royal family ten years. The film acts as a race course, Diana beginning at the start, delayed for takeoff. She is quite literally running late to the queen’s Sandringham Estate, where the film takes place.
Shot in 1.66:1 aspect ratio (this is important), you’ll notice an almost intrusive lens on Diana throughout the film. There’s an emphasis on her every movement. You’re watching as though in you’re in the room with her.
Director Pablo Lerraín did a fantastic job building tension with the viewer. One of the films scores is a mixture of jazz and baroque. The score is repeated throughout to amplify Diana’s struggle. It makes you wonder what it must have done to the princess’s psyche enduring ten years of stares, ten years of fabrication and ten years of running.
After seeing Spencer, I must say, Kristen Stewart is giving The Crown’s Emma Corrin a run for her money.